2018/05/12 14

세계 2차 대전 이전 (1840–1937) 제국주의의 영향권 아래 한중일 지도

CHINA, JAPAN, AND KOREA, 1840–1937 The Opium Wars of the 1840s and 1850s and the Boxer Rebellion of 1899–1901 changed the shape ofimperialism in Asia. These conflicts led to the establishment of special territorial enclaves and treaty ports within China, areas reserved for each imperial power. By the early twentieth century, Japan had taken advantage of China’s declining fortunes to gain control..

카테고리 없음 2018.05.12

1890년 인도차이나 반도에서 '영국 VS 프랑스' 지도

BRITISH AND FRENCH EMPIRES IN INDIA, SRI LANKA, AND SOUTHEAST ASIA, CA. 1890 The French annexation of Indochina in the 1880s led the British to consolidate their hold over Burma and Malaya. In India and Malaysia, the British Raj was a mixture of direct and indirect rule.In some regions, such as the Indian Princely States, indigenous rulers exercised local control but were ultimately subordinate ..

실크로드 (해양로, 북로, 중앙로, 남로, 기타)

MARITIME AND OVERLAND PASSAGES BETWEEN ASIA AND THE WEST, CA. 1430–1700 Western entry into Asia in about 1500 was preceded by centuries of contact over the Indian Ocean’s maritime passage and central Asia’s Silk Road, a series of highways that connected China to Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) and Europe. In the early fifteenth century, Chinese fleets commanded by General Zheng sailed to Africa ..

1900년 몬순 아시아 지역의 식민지 지도

COLONIAL EMPIRES IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC BASIN, CA. 1900 For nearly 250 years, the eastern coast of Asia and the Pacific Basin were subject to imperialist rule under the British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, American, German, and Japanese. Western colonial activity in the region dates to the 1750s, when the British began to consolidate their colonial authority over India. It ended when Ma..

아메리카 대륙 국가들의 독립 연도 지도

INDEPENDENCE IN LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES During the first quarter of the nineteenth century, most of South America achieved independencefrom Spain or Portugal. In the northern part of the continent, Simón Bolívar led a revolutionarymovement that toppled Spanish rule in what are now the nations of Panama, Colombia, Venezuela,Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay won ..