지역별 자료/아시아(한,중,일)

일본의 근대화 연표

bus333 2018. 5. 12. 15:33

Japan was closed to Western influence until U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry sailed a naval fleet into the harbor of Nagasaki in 1853 and forced the country to open its ports to U.S. trade. The “opening” of Japan spurred rapid industrialization in the country, helping it grow into an international economic and political power. This Japanese print depicts Perry’s gift of a railway to the Japanese in 1853.  

그림출처 : (Ando or Utagawa Hiroshige/The Bridgman Art Library/Getty Images)

출처 : The Modern World - by Sarolta Takács, Ph.D. (2008) - Asia and the Pacific 편 65page