대한민국 FTA 대상 국가들 (2017.01월 기준) 출처 : The Economist - 2017.01.28) - 46page이코노미스트 잡지 2017년 1월 28일자 46, 47페이지에 걸쳐 전면광고를 내보냈군요.하나는 대한민국내 경제 자유구역두번째로는 대한민국이 맺고 있는 FTA 상대 국가들'이렇게 대한민국의 무역하기 좋은 나라 입니다~' 라는 광고였습니다. 이 지도는 수업시간에 쓸모 좀 있을 것 같아서 실어봤습니다. 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2017.02.11
세계 4대 어장? 그런게 존재하나? The world’s major fisheries. Red areas are major fisheries; the darker the red, the greater the harvest and the more important the fishery. Most major fisheries are in areas of ocean upwellings, where currents rise, bringing nutrient-rich waters up from the depths of the ocean. Upwellings tend to occur near continents. 출처 : Environmental Science - Earth as a Living Planet (8th) (2010) https://ea.. 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2017.01.08
일본 전자 산업의 공간적 분업 Manufacturing establishments of the Japanese electronics industry in Asia, 1995Source: Based on Aoyama (2000: 228, Figure 2) 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 297page #일본제조업 #공간적분업 #산업공동화 #태국 #말레이시아 #전자산업 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
Three “tests” of industrialization, 1975 and 2004 Three “tests” of industrialization, 1975 and 2004Source: Based on online data from World Bank, World Development Indicators http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 287page #제조업 #2차산업 #선진국 #ThreeTests #industrialization 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
국가별 제조업이 GDP에서 차지하는 비율 Manufacturing as a percentage of GDP, 2010 Source: Based on Economist (2012b) 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 286page 참고자료https://geowiki.tistory.com/2371 #제조업 #2차산업 #manufacture #manufacturing 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
World steamship routes, 1913 (증기기관이 바꿔 놓은 세상) World steamship routes, by volume of trade, 1913 Source: Based on Latham (1978: 33, Map 2) 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 221page 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
The Atlantic system, 1650–1850 (삼각무역) The Atlantic system, 1650–1850 Source: Based on Duignan and Gann (1985: 12, Map 1) 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 219page 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
프랑스 산업 클러스터 French competitiveness clustersSource: Adapted from Competitiveness Clusters Agency of the French Government (2011: 4) http://competitivite.gouv.fr/ 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 200page 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
Employment shares, USA (미국의 산업별 종사자 비율 변화) Employment shares, by economic sector, USASource: Based on online Current Population Survey (CPS) data from U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, Employment and Earnings, 2012 http://www.bls.gov/cps/ 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 191page 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31
인도의 BOP산업 Geography of an Indian offshore services providerSource: Adapted from Gereffi and Fernandez-Stark (2010: 33, Figure 8) http://www.cggc.duke.edu/pdfs/CGGC-CORFO_The_Offshore_Services_ Global_Value_Chain_March_1_2010.pdf 출처 : The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox (6th) (2014) - 187page Internationally, this trend has taken the form of decentralizing back-office functions to offshore loca.. 주제별 자료/자원과 경제 2016.12.31