주제별 자료/자원과 경제

세계 4대 어장? 그런게 존재하나?

bus333 2017. 1. 8. 02:46

The world’s major fisheries. 

Red areas are major fisheries;
the darker the red, the greater the harvest and the more important the fishery.
Most major fisheries are in areas of ocean upwellings,
where currents rise, bringing nutrient-rich waters up from the depths of the ocean.
Upwellings tend to occur near continents.


출처 : Environmental Science - Earth as a Living Planet (8th) (2010)









Environment - Science, Issues, Solutions by Brendan Burrell, Manuel Molles (2016) W. H.Freeman - 233page






Environment - Science, Issues, Solutions by Brendan Burrell, Manuel Molles (2016) W. H.Freeman - 235page





Environment - Science, Issues, Solutions by Brendan Burrell, Manuel Molles (2016) W. H.Freeman - 236page






출처 : Oceanology - The Secrets of the Sea Revealed (2020) DK - 19page





#fishery #fisheries #4대어장 #어장 #upwelling #upwellings