2017/09/28 5

트럼프가 지정한 여행 금지 국가 명단

출처 : USA Today 2017.09.26 이렇게 표현할 수도 있네요 Time이 재미 있는 지도로 표현했습니다. 출처 : TIME 2017.10.09 CHADThe Saharan African nation has been a U.S. ally, yet the terrorist threat there has been sufficient to warrant travel advisories by the State Department and Britain’s Foreign Office. What the White House said: Though Chad is an important partner in the fight against terrorists, its government does not share..

카테고리 없음 2017.09.28

양치기의 나라에서 금융업의 나라로 탈바꿈한 영국

이 아줌마 뭐에 빡이 치셨나? 아니면 좋아서 저러시나? Mary had a little lamb Mary Berry walks sheep across London Bridge , accompanied by freemen of the City of London. The former 'Great British Bake Off' (Mary Berry가 진행한 요리 프로그램 제목) presenter took part in the tradition to mark the opening of the London wool fair, which promotes the British wool industry Photograph: Eddie Keogh/Reuters 출처 : Guardian 2017.09.25 저 사진은 왠..

기후 변화가 국가별 커피 농가에게 미치는 영향 (FT)

The bean belt :As climate conditions become critical, millions of farmers’ live lihoods are put at risk Climate change poses a serious threat to the world’s coffee “bean belt” and the 60-plus countries that produce the commodity. With 21.5m people involved in coffee farming, says the International Coffee Organization, 85 per cent of output is produced by smallholders. “We know just how vulnerabl..

독일 선거 결과 지도 및 그래프

출처 : Financial Times 2017.09.27 출처 : Financial Times 2017.09.26 출처 : Guardian 2017.09.26 Graphical Insight Biggest-ever Bundestag The newly-elected Bundestag has 709 seats – the most ever – thanks to the country’s proportional representation system. With seven parties, it is also the most fragmented since the first post-war parliament. FT Graphic: Billy Ehrenburg-Shannon, Aleksandra Wisnewska, M..