주제별 자료/건조지형

미서부 볼손 지형 분석

bus333 2016. 10. 14. 23:07

구글 어스 화면중 가운데 올록볼록 올라온 지역을 살펴보고자 합니다.





Earth Structure - An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics by Ben A. van der Pluijm, Stephen Marshak (2nd) (2003) - 392page







출처 : Earth - An Introduction To Physical Geology By Frederick K. Lutgens (12th) (2017) Pearson - 608page








Death Valley지역에 볼손 지형이 나타나는 이유

출처 : Earth - Portrait Of A Planet by Stephen Marshak (5th) (2015) - 105page











Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology by Richard M. Busch (9th) (2011) American Geological Institute - Pearson - 321page






Laboratory Manual In Physical Geology by Dennis G. Tasa (11th) (2018) Pearson - 384page






Physical Geology - Earth Revealed by Diane Carlson, Charles C. Plummer, Lisa Hammersley (9th) (2010) McGrawHill - 474page













Basin and Range Province in the western United States.

(a) Map and 

(b) Landsat image of the area. Scientific discoveries extend this province south through northern and central Mexico. 

(c) Parallel faults produce a series of ranges and basins, including bolsons. 

(d) Death Valley features a central playa, parallel mountain ranges, alluvial fans, and bajadas along the bases of the ranges. 

(e) Playas in each basin. 

(f) “The Loneliest Road in America,” Highway U.S. 50, slashes westward through the province


Elemental Geosystmes - Christopherson (8th) - 454page