주제별 자료/기후-강수

강수 유형 and 푄현상

bus333 2016. 10. 14. 15:41

Four atmospheric lifting mechanisms.

Elemental Geosystmes - Christopherson (8th) - 195page

"Essentials of Physical Geography by Robert E. Gabler (8th) (2007)" - 164page

Convectional activity in unstable conditions.

Work through these unstable atmospheric conditions, with an environmental lapse rate of 12 C°/1000 m. 

Specific humidity of the air parcel is 8 g/kg and the beginning temperature is 25°C. 

Looking back to Figure 7.13, you find that
air with a specific humidity of 
8 g/kg must be cooled to 11°C to achieve the dew-point temperature. 

Here the dew point is reached after 14 C° of adiabatic cooling at 1400 m (4600 ft). 

Note that the DAR (dry adiabatic rate) is used when the air parcel is less than saturated, 

changing to the MAR (moist adiabatic rate) above the lifting-condensation level at 1400 m.

Elemental Geosystmes - Christopherson (8th) - 196page

Meteorology Today - Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment (11th) CENGAGE (2015) - 155page

Orographic precipitation, unstable conditions assumed.

(a) Prevailing winds force warm, moist air upward against a mountain range, 

producing adiabatic cooling, eventual saturation and net condensation, cloud formation, and precipitation. 

On the leeward slope, as the “dried” air descends, compressional heating warms it 

and net evaporation dominates, creating the hot, relatively dry rain shadow. 

(b) Rain shadow produced by descending, warming air contrasts with the clouds of the windward side. 

Dust is stirred up by leeward downslope winds. 

(c) The wetter windward slopes are in contrast to the drier leeward landscapes in Washington

—check the map in Figure 8.9. [(b) Author. (c) Terra MODIS image, NASA/GSFC.]

Elemental Geosystmes - Christopherson (8th) - 198page

"Essentials of Physical Geography by Robert E. Gabler (8th) (2007)" - 167page

"Globalization and Diversity - Geography of a Changing World(4th) (2014)" - 51page