주제별 자료/해안지형

멕시코만 Sabine강 하류에서 과거 estuary의 모습을 발견하다. (빙기 침식기준면 하강 증거)

bus333 2017. 2. 11. 15:38

Study area, in red, for the Sabine River paleovalley study, northern Gulf of Mexico, USA

출처 : Techniques in Archaeological Geology (Natural Science in Archaeology) (2nd) (2016) - 141page

Acoustical profile and schematic view of sonar images produced
by an acoustic sub-bottom profiler of a drowned paleochannel in 15 m water depth in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sediment vibracore locations are indicated.
This ancient estuary is illustrated its drowning at transgression ca. 6000 BC (Pearson et al. 2008)

출처 : Techniques in Archaeological Geology (Natural Science in Archaeology) (2nd) (2016) - 141page

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