주제별 자료/해안지형

시아치, 시스택 형성과정 모식도

bus333 2017. 2. 11. 14:55

Physical Geology - Earth Revealed by Diane Carlson, Charles C. Plummer, Lisa Hammersley (9th) (2010) McGrawHill - 532page








출처 : Wanderlust 2017.05 - 6page (San Luis Obispo, California)

출처 : Wanderlust 2017.05 - 13page  (Malta’s Azure Window before its collapse in March 2017)





출처 : Wanderlust 2017.05 - 96page (Paddling Pérce Sea-kayaking off the Gaspé Peninsula near Pérce Rock)





The dissection of a rocky promontory by caves to form natural arches,
which collapse leaving stacks that are gradually reduced by erosion


출처 : Coastal Geomorphology - An Introduction, 2nd edition (2008) - 90page











The inner natural arch at London Bridge, near Port Campbell in SE Australia (above),
a month before it collapsed on 15 January 1990, leaving an outer arch (below)


출처 : Coastal Geomorphology - An Introduction, 2nd edition (2008) - 92page








Earth Environments - Past, Present and Future by David Huddart, Tim Stott (2010) Wiley - 450page