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bus333 2016. 12. 27. 17:22

<A model of the Latin American city>

Source: L. Ford (1996) A new and improved model of Latin American city structure  Geographical Review 83(3), 437–40

출처 : Urban Geography by Michael Pacione (3rd) (2009) - 475page

<A generalized model of the Latin American city.>

Urban structure differs from one culture to another, and in many ways

the cities of Latin America are distinctive, sharing much in

common with one another. Geographers Ernst Griffin and Larry

Ford developed the model diagrammed here to help describe

and explain the processes at work shaping the cities of Latin

America. In what ways would this model not be applicable to cities

in the United States and Canada?  (After Griffin and Ford, 1980: 406.)

출처 : The Human Mosaic - A Cultural Approach to Human Geography (12th) (2010) - 4page

<이것이 우리 교과서 내용입니다>

V-21 그림의 핵심 개념은 SPINE인데, 이게 없어요 ㅠ.ㅠ

<A model of the colonial-based city in South Asia>

Source: S. Brunn and J.Williams (1983)  Cities of the World New York: Harper & Row

출처 : Urban Geography by Michael Pacione (3rd) (2009) - 475page



Latin American City Model 

This urban model highlights the growth of Latin American cities and the class divisions within them.
Although the central business district, elite spine, and residential sectors may have excellent access to services and utilities,
life in the zone of peripheral squatter settlements is much more difficult.
In many Latin American cities, one-third of the population resides in squatter settlements.

출처 : Globalization and Diversity - Geography of a Changing World(4th) - Pearson(2014) - 115page