지역별 자료/아시아(서남,중앙)

2011년 아랍의 봄이 재현된다면 이번은 청년실업이 촉발시킬 듯

bus333 2018. 1. 25. 13:44

출처 : The Guardian - 2018.01.26 (Weekly)

The Economist - 2020.12.19

출처 : Terra Incognita - 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years by Ian Goldin (2020)

Arab Spring 

The Arab Spring involved a wave of pro-democracy and anti-government protests, uprisings and armed revolts that spread across several North African and Middle Eastern countries between 2010 and 2012.

출처 : Terra Incognita - 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years by Ian Goldin (2020)

All fatal and non-fatal violent events in Africa, Middle East and South Asia in 2018.

출처 : Terra Incognita - 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years by Ian Goldin (2020)

Mapping multiple types of conflict fatalities – 2018

#아랍의봄 #아랍의_봄 #Spring_of_Arab #Arab_Spring #알제리 #튀니지