4월 중순의 ITCZ와 기압배치, 강수량을 표현한 지도입니다.
ITCZ가 북쪽으로 올라오고 있지만 유카탄 반도는 아직은 건기입니다.
(딴 얘기지만, 4월 13일이 태국의 쏭크란 시작일인데
딱 맞춰서 ITCZ가 방콕에 도착해 있네요)
출처 : Pearson
<2017년 4월 25일 찍은 NASA의 위성사진>
전국적 불놀이 축제가 있는 것도 아니고
이렇게 많은 산불이 한번에 특정지역에서 나타난다?
이건 신의 뜻이 아니라 인간의 뜻이겠지요
인간들은 왜 이런 짓을 하게 된 것일까요??
NASA의 위성사진에 따르면 4월 11~18일 사이에 과테말라에서만 1900건의 발화가 나타났습니다.
Fire activity has been particularly high in Maya Biosphere Reserve, with fires spotted in national parks.
Satellite imagery compiled by Planet Labs shows several fires burning in and around Sierra del Lacandon National Park on April 5.
April is in the middle of the dry season for the Yucatan Peninsula and this year
a drought has rendered some of the region’s most valuable biosphere preserves at high risk of wildfire.
A high number of aggressive fires had ignited by April 19, 2017,
that the Guatemalan government declared a 30-day, nationwide state of emergency
to facilitate efforts to combat and control forest fires, according to a story published by Mongabay.
Most of the fires in Guatemala are burning in the Maya Biosphere Reserve,
in the northernmost section of the country.
The reserve is larger than Yellowstone National Park and was created in 1990
to try to preserve and protect a diverse and important ecosystem
while allowing and balancing human activities.
According to media reports, a number of large and damaging fires in the region
are suspected to have been ignited by illegal clearing of land for cattle ranches and drug trafficking.
Fires are not restricted to Guatemala, but many dozen also burn across Mexico
while very few are present in Belize, on the southwest side of the Yucatan Peninsula.
관련 기사 입니다.
Guatemala declares state of emergency as rainforest goes up in flames
19 April 2017 / Sandra Cuffe
Forest fires have caused severe damage to national parks and an archaeological site within the Maya Biosphere Reserve.
Photo: CONAP/facebook
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