주제별 자료/도시

The Future of Cities (FT 도시 특집기사)

bus333 2017. 6. 8. 14:21

파이낸셜 타임즈 2017년 6월 7일자 기사에 무릎을 탁치게 하는 내용이 있어서 스크랩합니다.

일일이 캡쳐해서 붙여 넣기 힘드네요..

여기 내용이 핵심인 듯 합니다.

The most pressing headache is political.Perhaps the starkest divide in the Brexit referendum and the US presidential poll of 2016 was between big-city voters and those in the suburbs, smaller towns and countryside. Just as London voted to remain in the EU, so New York opted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, the defeated Democrat.

The gap between urban sensibilities and their hinterlands is visible the world over. More than half of Moscow’s voters rejected Vladimir Putin in 2012. The Russian president was still re-elected by a landslide. Fewer than one in 10 Parisians voted for Marine Le Pen in the second round of the French presidential election last month, against a third of the nation. Similar gaps exist between Istanbul and the rest of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey — ands oon.

In political terms, the displaced are taking revenge on the gentrified. What is driving the crisis—and is there a cure?

The biggest cause is the changing nature of work. As jobs have shifted from manufacturing to services(see page 4 아래 그림 옆에 The squeezed manufacturers로 시작하는 단락), so the returns on education have risen. We live in an age of scarce human capital. Most graduates and post-graduates prefer to live in larger cities, where they can rub shoulders with their peers. They often have more in common with the denizens of big cities in other countries than they do with their suburban neighbours.

The gap between a metropolis and the rest is as much about education as it is about incomes.....이하생략...

<여기는 FT 간판 스타 마틴 울프의 얘기>




