출처 : The Wall Street Journal Asia 2017.06.02
민다나오 지역이 이슬람 비율이 높다는 얘기만 줄곧 해 왔는데
경제적 불평등 상황도 심각하군요
아래 지도는 이슬람 전파지도입니다.
민다나오까지의 전파 과정입니다.
Southeast Asia
This was the last major region affected by Islam,
which was introduced during the late fourteenth century.
Muslim trading ships from Arabia and particularly from India brought both Muslim merchants and Sufis
to the Malay peninsula and the islands that now form Indonesia.
Merchants established crucial contacts in the coastal towns,
where they influenced the ruling classes.
By the fifteenth century, most elites in these cities had been converted.
From the coastal towns, Sufis traveled inland, setting up schools and preaching in each village.
Islam appealed to inland peoples as a way of integrating with the coastal populations,
in a period of expanding trade.
By the sixteenth century Islam had become a dominant religion in the Indonesian islands,
save for pockets of Hinduism and for isolated, polytheistic peoples in remote parts of the interior.
It had won powerful influence on the Malay peninsula and in the southern part of the Philippines.
Its spread was stopped only by the arrival of European naval and commercial superiority during the sixteenth century.
Even so, it was not pushed back
; Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the world today.
Islam in southeast Asia inevitably merged with regional cultural influences,
including popular costumes, dances, and festivals
—including brilliant shadow plays and other pre-Islamic staples based on Hindu epics.
The Sufis tolerated large remnants of animist, Hindu, and Buddhist beliefs and rituals
-many of which orthodox scholars would have found contrary to Islamic doctrine.
Social relations were governed by pre-Islamic law, and religious law
was applied to very specific types of exchanges.
Women retained a stronger position than in the Islamic Middle East,
often participating actively in market activities.
Islam added, in sum, to the mixed, creative culture that predominated in southeast Asia.
출처 : Cultures in Motion by Peter N. Stearns (2001) 예일 대학교 출판부
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