주제별 자료/기후-바람

몬순과 중국의 밀농사 지대

bus333 2017. 2. 7. 12:35

China in the Shang and Zhou Periods, 1750–221 b.c.e. 

The Shang dynasty arose in the second millennium b.c.e. in the floodplain of the Yellow River.
While southern China benefits from the monsoon rains, northern China depends on  
As population increased, the Han Chinese migrated from their eastern homeland to other parts of China,
carrying with 
them their technologies and cultural practices.
Other ethnic groups predominated in more outlying regions,
and the nomadic 
peoples of the northwest constantly challenged Chinese authority

출처 : The Earth and Its Peoples. A Global History (5th) (2011) - 57page