지역별 자료/아시아(인도)

종교가 가져온 인도 최악의 가뭄사태

bus333 2016. 6. 5. 09:40

관련 포스트

2015년 인도의 폭염, 왜 나타났을까?




2016년 6월 2일 기사입니다.

인도에 가뭄으로 난리가 났다는 내용입니다.


세계지리 수업을 듣고 난 학생이라면 이런 생각을 할 수 있겠죠

'음...몬순이 늦나보네'


그 밖에 원인에 대해서까지는 생각이 미치기는 어려울 듯 합니다.


저런 난리의 원인은 무엇인지 가뭄 이외 다른 요인들도 좀 살펴보고자 합니다.



아래 나온 The Economist 기사를 보면

인도 서부지역에서의 가뭄 피해와 힌두교 종교의식은 상관관계가 깊다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.



그리고, 한가지 더


방글라데시, 인도 동부 지역은 강수량이 많기로 유명한 지역이지만

마시는 물은 저수지보다는 '대수층'에 의지하는 비율이 높다는 점입니다.


댐으로 막아서, 그 물을 정수해서 쓰는 것이 아니라

펌프 혹은 우물로 지하수를 퍼서 사용하는 집이 대부분이란 뜻.


S.O.C 수준이 낮으니, 대수층에만 의존하게 되고,

대수층 고갈 상황은 심각해져 가고 있습니다.

(전세계에서도 가장 심각해진 케이스 - 농지는 2/3가, 식수는 3/4이 대수층에 의존하고 있음)


아래 그림에서도 알 수 있듯이

대수층이 갈색으로 표시되어 있습니다.


인도는 시간이 지나면 지날 수록

물에 의한 재난이 많아지고, 그 강도도 심해질 듯 합니다.






이제 부터는 The Economist에 올라온 기사내용입니다.


제목은 Unholy woes

부제가 India's water nightmare 입니다.


제목을 훑어보건데, 기사는 인도의 물부족 문제를 다루는 내용일텐데

왜 제목이 'Unholy'라는 단어를 사용했을까?


읽어보니, 그 이유를 알겠더라구요.

인도의 물부족 사태를 이해할 때, 단순히 강수량 부족만 생각하면 안될 듯 합니다.





위 지도에서 Ujjain 우자인 (힌디어: उज्जैन)을 찾아보세요.

우자인은 힌두교의 성지로

12년 마다 Kumbh Mela (쿰브 멜라)가 열리는 곳입니다.



박건우님 블로그를 보시면 쿰브멜라가 어느 정도의 축제인지 짐작할 수 있으실 겁니다.


인도 쿰브멜라(KUMBH MELA)축제

"지구상에서 가장 사람이 많이 모이는 축제! 쿰브멜라(KUMBH MELA)에 다녀왔습니다.
12년마다 1번 열리는 이 힌두교 축제는 저에겐 평생에 남을만한 어마어마한 경험을 가져다 주었습니다.
이번축제때 총 1억명이 왔다갔는데, 하룻동안 3천만명이 모이는 것은 이곳 아니면 전세계 어디에서도 볼 수 없습니다.
반경 7km~30km밖에 안되는 곳에 3천만명이 모인다고 생각해보십쇼.길다가 넘어지면 짜부(쥐포)되는 겁니다.

이하 생략..."




<세계 최대의 목욕 축제>




이 '조그만' 도시에


이렇게 '많은' 사람들이 한꺼번에

목욕을 하려면

얼마나 '많은' 물이 필요할까요?


Kumbh Mela 가 5월 21일 근처인데

몬순(우기)이 오기전 가뭄에 이 행사가 시작되면

이 조그만 도시는 긴급상황에 처하게 됩니다.


몬순시기에 강수가 적었던 적은 역사적으로 그리 많지 않았지만

작년, 올해가 엘니뇨현상으로 가뭄이 극심해졌습니다.

그래서 인도 서부지역의 피해가 더 커지고 있습니다.


Shipra강(갠지즈강의 중류의 지류)의 물만으로는 부족해서

Narmada강 (Kithud부터 시작)에서 파이프로 물을 끌어 옵니다.


뭐....전 국가적 행사니까 다른 강에서 물을 끌어온다는 것을 용인한다손 치더라도

Narmada강 유역이 맞이하고 있는 재난에 대해서는 어떻게 보상할 것인지?

(특히, 파이프를 설치해서 농작물이 말라버려 자살을 시도한 Kithud의 농민들)





이제는 이런 가뭄에 어떻게 대처해야할 것인가?


앞에서도 말씀드렸듯이

인도의 가뭄문제는 단순한 적은 강수 때문만은 아닙니다.


엘니뇨에 의한 몬순시기의 후퇴(몬순 시기가 늦어짐) 뿐만 아니라

대수층에 의존도가 너무 높다는 점입니다.


그렇다면 해결책중 한가지는

강수를 최대한 이용하는 법이라고 할 수 있습니다.


그 대표적인 사례가

위의 지도에 나오는 Latur와 Solapur의 물관리 정책 비교입니다.



둘다 작년에 최악의 가뭄으로 개고생을 한 지역입니다.


Lapur는 올해도 350km나 떨어진 Krishna강에서 650대가 넘는 탱크로리를 사용해서 가뭄에 대응했습니다.


하지만 기후조건이 거의 비슷하고,

작년에 같은 고생을 했던 Solapur는 올해 겨우 탱크로리 20대 정도 밖에 사용하지 않았습니다.



그 해결책은

새로운 우물 파는 것을 금지하고

Lapur는 하천 바닥과 호수의 밑바닥을 긁어내

강수를 최대한 이용할 수 있도록 한 것입니다.




빠르게 고갈되어 가는 대수층에 대한 의존율을 낮추고

Rainfall을 최대한 이용할 수 있는 방법들을 찾아봐야 할 듯 합니다.






India’s water nightmare

Unholy woes


India’s water shortage owes more to bad management than drought

May 14th 2016 | UJJAIN | From the print edition



AT THE dawn of time Lord Vishnu made gods and demons join in churning the milky oceans to extract an elixir of eternal life. After cheating the demons of their share, Vishnu spilled four drops of the precious nectar. Where they fell sprang up sacred rivers whose waters wash away sins, now sites for mass Hindu pilgrimages called Kumbh Mela.


For a lunar month every 12 years it falls to Ujjain, a town in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, to host the Kumbh Mela by the revered Shipra, whose waters meander north into the mighty Ganges and eventually eastward to the Bay of Bengal. By the time the full moon reappears on May 21st tens of millions of bathers, among them thousands of bearded ascetics known as sadhus (pictured), will have worshipped on Ujjain’s teeming riverbanks.


What few are aware of is that the water is no longer the Shipra’s. Urbanisation, rising demand and two years of severe drought have shrivelled the sacred river. Its natural state at this time of year, before the monsoon, would be a dismal sequence of puddles dirtied by industrial and human waste. But the government of Madhya Pradesh, determined to preserve the pilgrimage, has built a massive pipeline diverting into the Shipra the abundant waters of the Narmada river, which spills westward into the Arabian Sea. Giant pumps are sucking some 5,000 litres a second from a canal fed by the Narmada, lifting it by 350 metres and carrying it nearly 50 kilometres to pour into the Shipra’s headwaters. To ensure clean water for the festival, the Shipra’s smaller tributaries have been blocked or diverted, and purifying ozone is being injected into the reconstituted waters in Ujjain itself.

The pilgrims and merchants of Ujjain are happy. But down in the Narmada valley there is little cheer. “They are wasting water on sadhus…while our farms go dry,” says Rameshwar Sitole, a farmer in the hamlet of Kithud. Since March the canal, which feeds his 2.5 hectares of maize and okra along with the farms of 12 other hamlets, has been bone dry. Mr Sitole’s crops have withered and died: a loss, he reckons, of some 50,000 rupees ($750). The government insists the water will return once Ujjain’s pilgrimage ends, but he is not so sure. “They turn it on when we protest, and then take it away again,” Mr Sitole shrugs. Meanwhile, over the hills, industrial users near Ujjain are lobbying loudly to exploit the fancy new water sources.


Poor monsoons are not unusual, but the back-to-back shortfalls, linked to the El Niño effect, which India has experienced in the past two years are very rare. Ten out of 29 states, with a population of some 330m, have been badly hit, with the worst-affected areas in the centre of the country. India is suffering its gravest water shortage since independence, says Himanshu Thakkar, a water expert in Delhi, the capital. Every day brings news of exhausted rivers and wells, destitute farmers migrating to the cities or even committing suicide, water trains being dispatched to parched regions—and of leopards venturing into towns in search of a drink.


The central government has responded with make-work programmes for afflicted areas, emergency shipments of water, and many promises. In February Narendra Modi, the prime minister, pledged to double farm incomes by 2022. Other ministers speak of massive irrigation projects, and have dusted off an ambitious water-diversion scheme for parched regions that is priced at $165 billion and involves no fewer than 37 links between rivers. Most links would be via canals—some 15,000km of artificial waterways in all.


Hydrologists such as Mr Thakkar are sceptical of big projects, open to massive cronyism, when simpler and environmentally sounder solutions are at hand. India relies not on rivers but on underground aquifers for some two-thirds of its irrigation and for more than three-quarters of its drinking water. With 30m wells and pumps at work, it is hardly surprising that groundwater levels have been dropping. Nearly two-thirds of wells tested in a recent nationwide survey showed levels lower than their ten-year average. Much water is being squandered.


Plenty, Mr Thakkar argues, could be done to conserve groundwater; for instance, by collecting and storing rainwater more effectively, regulating consumption, treating urban sewage properly and providing credit for drip irrigation to replace wasteful flooding techniques. And pricing water properly would be much better than shunting it about at great expense. Despite the severity of the current drought, which will end if meteorologists’ predictions of a better-than-average monsoon in June are correct, the real problem is not a lack of water. Per person, India has twice as much of the stuff as water-starved northern China. But India is being hampered by mindless overuse and, in many places, a lack of sensible water-allocation policies.


The contrast between two districts in a corner of Maharashtra state that is severely afflicted by drought provides a case in point. For the past two months the 400,000 residents of Latur, a city 400km east of Mumbai, have had, at great expense, to rely on tanker lorries and trains coming from the Krishna river 350km away to quench their thirst, while the district’s stricken farmers have fled en masse. Nearby Solapur once faced similar problems. Following a bad monsoon in 2012 it had to mobilise more than 650 tanker lorries to get water to needy citizens. This year, under far worse drought conditions, fewer than 20 tankers are operating.


The difference comes down to governance. When Tukaram Mundhe was appointed the main local-government administrator in 2014, he set to work applying laws and policies on groundwater use that had been wilfully ignored in the arid region. “Solapur was not taking any preventive…measures,” he says. “So I took a firm stand. I went directly to the public instead of going through my officers.”


Local farmers were encouraged to revive some 5,000 defunct water sources, such as abandoned wells and silted-up ponds, to collect rainwater. Strict regulation was imposed on these and existing sources, with only nearby farms allowed access. Commercial drilling for new wells was restricted. The owners of a water-guzzling sugar factory were fined for polluting nearby water sources. In Latur, by contrast, politically influential owners kept sugar mills running even as the wells dried up.


With the monsoon looming and their storage capacity high, Solapur’s farmers appear confident of avoiding future shortages. Mr Mundhe says that all his projects are “scalable and replicable”. But he will not have a chance to find out himself. The state government abruptly appointed him last month to a municipal post near Mumbai. Some in Solapur suspect that powerful owners of water-tanker fleets and sugar mills may have had a hand in Mr Mundhe’s sudden transfer.


From the print edition: Asia <The Economist>