2017/08 24

유럽국가들의 러시아에 대한 가스 의존도

US steps up fight with Moscow on Europe gas supply 출처 : The Wall Street Journal - 2018.07.28-29 독일의 천연가스 수입량 증가는 원자력 의존도 감소와 깊은 관련이 있었군요. 출처 : The Wall Street Journal - 2018.07.12 서로 인접한 프랑스와 독일의 발전구조는 천양지차입니다. 관련포스팅 (클릭) 러시아 천연가스 파이프 지도 Wall Street Journal - 2017.11.28 출처 : The Economist - 2019.01.05 출처 : https://blog.naver.com/ulsan-port/221287435386

중국의 지리적 위치 (포위된 중국)

Maps that shift perspective can be disorienting, but they are meant to be. Our minds get so used to seeing the world in one way that a different view can feel alien. But that is even more reason to push through the discomfort. The map above attempts to do that by looking at the Pacific from Beijing’s perspective. China's moves in the South China Sea have received a great deal of attention. In a ..

유럽의 분권 압력이 큰 지역들

http://www.mauldineconomics.com/this-week-in-geopolitics/the-geopolitics-of-2017-in-4-maps#이 지도가 좀 더 자세한 듯 합니다. Analyzing this map must begin with a disclaimer: This is, first and foremost, an analytical tool and a means of thinking about Europe’s future. It is explicitly not a prediction of what Europe’s borders will look like in the future. The map identifies areas in Europe with strong nation..