주제별 자료/자원과 경제

국가별 농업용지는 왜 모양이 다를까요? 1편

bus333 2015. 7. 3. 13:56



 Around the world, agricultural practices have developed as a function of topography, soil type, crop type, annual rainfall, and tradition.



1. In Minnesota (upper left) the very regular grid pattern reflects early 19th century surveying
; the size of the fields is a function of mechanization and that dictates a certain efficiency.

<-- 사회적 요인 : 19th century surveying 때문이겠고

참고자료 : early 19th century surveying

19th century surveying.pdf









2. In Kansas (upper middle), center pivot irrigation is responsible for the field pattern.

<-- 지형과 기후적 요인 : 반건조 지역이라 대수층을 활용하다보니 이렇게 되었을테고


아래 지도중 17번. Ogallala 대수층을 이용하는 center pivot irrigation 농업 때문에 나타나는 현상이겠지요.



캔사스 지역의 center pivot irrigation 지역입니다.

저 동그라미 직경이 800m 에서 1.6km 정도 됩니다.

원래 이 동네가 shortgrass prairie 이다보니, 관개시설 없이는 저런 농업이 불가능했던 곳이죠.









3. In northwest Germany (upper right),
the small size and random pattern of fields is a leftover from the Middle Ages.

<--  역사적 요인 : 이건 장원제도의 유물이 되겠구요








4. Near Santa Cruz, Bolivia (lower left), the pie or radial patterned fields are part of a settlement scheme;
at the center of each unit is a small community.

<-- 경제적 요인 : 아래 내용을 참조하시면 될 듯 : 전형적인 산촌의 사례



These images from 1986 and 2001 are for an area of tropical dry forest lying east of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Since the mid-1980s, the resettlement of people from the Altiplano (the Andean high plains) and a large agricultural development effort (the Tierras Baja project) has lead to this area’s deforestation. Soybean production began in earnest in the early 1970s following a substantial increase in the crop’s world price. The pie or radial patterned fields are part of the San Javier resettlement scheme.


At the center of each unit is a small community that includes a church, bar/café, school, and soccer field. The rectangular, light colored areas are fields of soybeans cultivated for export, mostly funded by foreign loans. The dark strips running through the fields are windbreaks, which are advantageous because the soils in this area are fine and prone to wind erosion. The 1986 Landsat image (left) was acquired on August 4, 1986, and the ASTER image (right) on August 11, 2001.


The area east of Santa Cruz was originally dry tropical forest. As part of the Tierras Bajas project, people have been resettled from the Altiplano to cultivate soybeans. Each agricultural "pin wheel" pattern is centered on a small community. The communities are then spaced evenly across the landscape at 5-km intervals. Roadways can be seen connecting each town center.



The pie or radial patterned fields (left) are part of the San Javier resettlement scheme. At the center of each unit is a small community including a church, bar/cafe, school, and soccer field-the essentials of life in rural Bolivia. The rectilinear, light-colored areas (right) are fields of soybeans cultivated for export that are mostly funded by foreign loans. The dark strips running through these fields are wind breaks. These are advantageous because the soils in this area are fine and prone to wind erosion.










5. Outside of Bangkok, Thailand (lower middle),
rice paddies fed by an extensive network of canals that is hundreds of years old,
appear as small skinny rectangular fields.

<-- 이건 뭐라고 범주화 해야할까요? 방콕을 두발로 싸돌아다니다 보면, 배수펌프장이 군데 군데 보입니다.
비가 많이 오면 방콕 주변은 바다로 물이 잘 빠지지 않아 범람이 잦습니다.
차오프라야 강을 이용하는 대중교통수단 말고도, 지역 주민들은 셉센운하를 이용한 300원짜리 배도 많이 타고 다닙니다.
이렇게 방콕은 운하가 매우 발달했습니다.

그리고, 벼농사에 제일 중요한 요소는 어떻게 논에 물을 대느냐?
수 많은 논들이 물과의 접근성을 높이려니 long lot 형태로 나타날 수 밖에 없었을 듯 합니다.








6. And in the Cerrado in southern Brazil (lower right),
cheap cost of land and its flatness have resulted in enormous farms and large field sizes.

<-- 여긴 워낙 땅이 넓고 평평하고, 인구가 적은데다 지가가 싸서 벌어진 일이고



This astronaut photograph illustrates the diverse agricultural landscape in the western part of Minas Gerais state in Brazil. Though most widely known for its mineral wealth, Minas Gerais is also a large agricultural producer for Brazil.


The fields in this image are located southwest of the city of Perdizes, which means “partridges” in Portuguese. A mix of regularly-gridded polygonal fields and circular center-pivot fields marks the human use of the region. Small streams (and their adjacent floodplains) of the Araguari River extend like fingers throughout the landscape.


The visual diversity of the field forms is matched by the variety of crops: sunflowers, wheat, potatoes, coffee, rice, soybeans, and corn are among the products of the region. While the Northern Hemisphere is still in the grip of winter, crops are growing in the Southern Hemisphere, as indicated by the many green fields. Fallow fields—not in active agricultural use—display the violet, reddish, and light tan soils common to this part of Brazil. Darker soils are often rich in iron and aluminum oxides, and are typical of highly weathered soil that forms in hot, humid climates.


다들 사연이 있네요


<From : NASA>