지역별 자료/서부유럽

Stereotypes of Europe

bus333 2012. 6. 1. 12:02

Stereotypes of Europe


Economist May 30th 2012, 16:13 by J.S. | LONDON



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제가 좋아하는 내용이구요 ㅎㅎ

저 위의 표를 읽는법은


첫번째, Britain이 봤을때

가장 뺑이치고 열심히 일하는 나라는 독일이라고 생각하고

가장 날날이처럼 놀고 먹는 나라는 그리스라 생각하고

가장 부패한 나라는 마피아의 이태리라 생각하고

가장 청렴한 나라는 독일이라고 생각한다는 표입니다.




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웃어야 할지 울어야 할지 모르는 내용...


그리스가 봤을때

제일 뺑이치고 고생하는 나라는 그리스라고 생각한다 라는 내용입니다.




각 국가별 노동시간입니다. (From : BBC)

우리나라 1등이네요.ㅠ.ㅠ






아래 표는  Pew Research Center 에서 조사한 내용입니다.

각 국가의 선호도입니다.


영국은 프랑스보다는 독일에 대해 더 호감을 가지고 있군요.

프랑스는 영국보다는 독일에 대해 더 호감을 가지고 있구요

독일은 영국보다는 프랑스에 대해 더 호감을 가지고 있습니다.


또 재미있는 것은 그리스인데

그리스는 이태리에 대해 가장 큰 호감을 가지고 있습니다.



http://www.pewglobal.org/2012/05/29/chapter-4-views-of-eu-countries-and-leaders/ 에 나온 내용입니다.

또 이와 관련한 기사가 나왔네요

What Europeans think of each other

May 15th 2013, 17:02 BY J.S.

IT IS not hard to find reasons why disaffection with the European Union might be growing within Europe. GDP in the euro area has declined for the sixth successive quarter and unemployment is running at record levels in many countries. Germany resents bailing out profligate neighbours and its relationship with France, which has just slipped into recession, is at a low ebb. In Britain, the Conservative prime minister faces one of the periodic uprisings from within his party against membership of the EU. Nonetheless, it is sobering to see a new survey on public opinion in Europe by the Pew Research Centre confirming much of this disgruntlement, and more besides.

When people in eight countries were asked about monetary union and EU membership, fewer were in favour of either than they were when asked a year ago. But it was a question on attitudes to one another that was arguably most revealing, exposing lingering stereotyping, some historical mistrust and a bit of modern-day resentment about economic power. It also appeared to confirm a puzzling finding from a similar Pew survey a year ago: that Greeks' perception of themselves is out of kilter with everyone else's.

As the table shows, when asked to name the most trustworthy nation, every country voted for Germany except for the Greeks. Instead, they awarded themselves that accolade, while casting Germany as the most arrogant and least compassionate nation. (In the 2012 poll, Greeks considered themselves to be the most hardworking, to general bemusement.) However, this antipathy towards Germany is understandable. As the main paymaster for the euro area, Germany is blamed for the strict austerity measures imposed on Greece as a condition for bailing out the country. These have resulted in a cycle of declining growth, weakening demand and real hardship. Indeed, Germany's economic dominance is reflected in its several nominations as the most arrogant and least compassionate country.

Another striking finding is the dichotomy of opinion within countries. The Poles nominated Germany as both the most and least trustworthy nation, possibly dividing among older Poles with memories of war and younger ones who admire its reputation for prudence. The French, too, appear to be in two minds about their own arrogance—though the Brits are in no doubt about it. In a telling answer, Italians are most mistrustful of one another, perhaps aware that their country ranks badly on international corruption measures. Slovaks may not know whether to be (quietly) proud or slightly miffed that they are named the most humble nation by their bigger neighbour and one-time compatriots, the Czechs.
