지역별 자료/서부유럽

유럽에서 운하의 의미

bus333 2011. 11. 18. 15:31

파리에서 우크라이나의 키에프까지 내륙으로 배를 타고 갈 수 있을까?

아래 지도에 나오는 것처럼 파리에서 우크라이나의 키에프는 직선으로도 2000km가 넘는 거리입니다.
파리에서 키에프까지 배로만 갈 수 있을까요?

심지어는 모스크바를 지나서 북극해로 배를 타고 가는 여행코스는 너무 황당하기만 한 계획 일까요?

그렇다면 아래 지도도 참고해주세요
(그림을 클릭하면 큰 지도로 볼 수 있습니다)

파리에서 어떤 아저씨가 실제로 바지선을 타고 실제로 여행한 코스입니다. (파리-바르샤바)
유럽의 운하를 갈아타고 다니면 저렇게 여행이 가능하다고 합니다.

아저씨가 타고 다닌 바지선 사진

실제 여행기 보기

유럽에서 운하란 이제 어떤 의미인가 하는 글이 있더군요

글의 제목이 Historic canals of Europe - "Living Waterways" 입니다.

여기를 클릭하면 아래 지도가 나타날 겁니다. 그 지도에서 세부적인 내용을 보고 싶으면, 지도의 원하는 지역을 클릭하면 더 자세한 정보가 나옵니다.

위 지도에 붙어 있던 주석내용입니다.
The descriptions of each of the partners' waterways are by David Edwards-May, inspired by the reference works by Charles Hadfield, World Canals, David & Charles, 1986, out of print, but new edition planned by Euromapping, Tom Rolt, From Sea to Sea, 2nd edition, Euromapping, 1994, J.-P. Gailliez and C. Norac, Le Canal du Centre, quand les bateaux prennent l'ascenseur, Casterman, 1994, and members of the Comitato per il Restauro delle Chiuse dell'Adda, Restoration of Leonardo's waterway heritage: the Adda system, Lombardy Region, 1998.

본문에 있던 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

아래 본문의 주황색 글씨 앞에 붉은 숫자는 제가 부여했습니다.

유럽에서 운하라는 것은
1에서 2의 용도로 변화되었다는 것이 주된 내용 같습니다.

파리에서 바르샤바까지 여행한 맨위 아저씨와 같은 needs가 중요한 용도라는 것이지요.

Most of the canals and inland waterways in Europe experienced a deep-seated change in purpose and use during the last decades of the 20th century. Tools of the Industrial Revolution from the late 18th century,

1. they gradually became "historic", in other words no longer adapted to the transport needs of our modern society

, but nonetheless representing an extraordinary heritage of navigation structures, landscapes, operational buildings, down to the smallest architectural detail, all testifying to the "golden age" of expansion of industrial activities throughout Europe.

In addition to their importance as factors of regional identity, canals are also unique ecosystems in their own right, which have become increasingly fragile through the ravages of time, lack of maintenance and the pressures of increasing leisure use.

2. Why maintain these structures as "living waterways" ? Because they offer hundreds of millions of Europeans a whole range of possibilities of leisure, tourism, cultural visits and discovering the environment.

To this end, they have to be rehabilitated, maintained, their structures operated. Just as important, they have to be promoted to clients near and far.

Considering that canals thus entered the category of "endangered river systems", according to the terms of the call for tenders "TERRA - ERDF article 10" issued by the European Commission in 1996, the Midi-Pyrenees regional council put together with 7 partner regions in Europe a collaboration project, which was adopted by the Commission in March 1998 (along with 14 other transnational projects). The project, named "Historic canals - living waterways" (giving the French acronym "VEV" for "voies d'eau vivantes") is currently being completed. It represents about 60 distinct actions Ñ studies, research projects, field experiments Ñ carried out under the responsibility of the partner regions and waterway authorities, thus pioneering new forms of transnational collaboration between European regions.

The total budget of the TERRA/VEV project is 3,5 millions euros, financed to the level of 42% by the European Commission.

Browse through this site to discover the partner regions and organisations, the waterways themselves and their main characteristics, the projects carried out under VEV, as well as the VEV newsletter (most recent issue and main articles from past issues). Use the menu or "navigate" on our overall map.

<From : worldcanals.com>






The New York Times - 2023.05.13