지역별 자료/아시아(한,중,일)

중국 산동성 승리유전과 황하의 유로변경

bus333 2017. 10. 30. 13:24

원본 위성사진 (NASA)

출처 : 아래 논문

Fig. 8. Shoreline dynamics of the Yellow River Delta from 1976 to 2013, as derived from cloud-free Landsat satellite data acquired during times of comparable tide situations (gauge station data from Tianjin Xingang). Piers of the new Dongying Port were built 2007e2010.

출처 : 아래 논문

Shengli oil field.egg

논문의 원 제목은 

Earth observation-based coastal zone monitoring of the Yellow River Delta

: Dynamics in China's second largest oil producing region over four decades