주제별 자료/기후-기온

포도 농사의 필수품 헬리콥터

bus333 2017. 4. 26. 12:32

Frost, Hail Inflict Heavy Vineyard Damage Across France and Italy

Winegrowers from Champagne to Piedmont are fighting freezing temperatures that threaten early spring buds

By 6:30 a.m. this past Thursday, the temperature had dropped below 27° F (영하 2.7도)
in Montlouis, in the heart of France’s Loire Valley.
The sun was just coming up, but it was hardly quiet.
A fleet of seven helicopters was hovering over vineyards,
using their rotors to lift frigid air from ground level and push down warmer air from above.
The pilots based their flight patterns on a GPS signal linked to temperature sensors placed among the vines.
Their sortie raised temperatures less than 3°,
but it was enough to protect almost two-thirds of the appellation’s vines from a devastating frost.

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그것도 온도계를 이용한 자동 좌표를 따라 움직이는 헬리콥터라..

That's good idea~!!

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