<Urban Landscapes>
This aerial view of Grosseto, Italy, shows how the historic medieval city
was encircled by the Renaissance Baroque fortifications built to protect the settlement.
Today parks and public buildings are found in place of the former walls and moat.
유럽 중세의 도시는 성곽에 둘러 싸여 있었는데
교통의 발달로 도시의 규모가 커져
과거 성곽 도시의 모습이 고스란히 남아 있는 장소로 유명한 곳이 이탈리아의 그로세토 이다.
피렌체도 이와 유사하다.
출처 : Globalization and Diversity - Geography of a Changing World(4th) - Pearson(2014) - 267page
아마도 이런 원형의 주거 형태는 고대로부터 시작했을 것입니다.
The circular plan of this traditional village, north of Antananarivo, Madagascar,
with its central walled area and radial paths leading outward,
is found early in the development of many civilizations.
With its aligned buildings, town square, and areas of gardens and bowers along the periphery,
the village center has the basic elements of many modern towns and cities.
Surrounding the village are the supporting lands
—agricultural plots and pastures on which the village depends.
The modern city also has its supporting areas of suburban development
and agricultural hinterlands surrounding the city center.
The main road at the bottom of the photo is a transportation corridor
that connects the village to the outside world.
Large cities have many such transportation links, including roads, rivers, and railways.
Human settlements have a physical setting that places bounds on the kinds of human and economic activities
that take place in and around the settlement.
In this book, we will focus on the natural processes
that shape the physical landscape and provide the habitat of the human species.
출처 : Introducing Physical Geography (5th) by Alan Strahler (Wiley) - 2page
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