지역별 자료/북아메리카

유럽인들의 북아메리카 침투 경로

bus333 2016. 12. 31. 23:25

The colonial conquest of North America involved a variety of European powers.
The Spanish were in Florida and the southwestern United States long before any other Western power.
The French occupied the St. Lawrence River valley and the Mississippi,
before selling the territory between the Mississippi and the Rockies
to the United States in 1803 (the Louisiana Purchase).
Russia occupied Alaska, ending explorers as far south as California.
Britain had colonies in New England and the Piedmont and ruled Canada
through the Hudson Bay Company.

출처 : The World Economy - Geography, Business, Development (6th) by Frederick P. Stutz (2011) (Pearson) - 49page

출처 : Cultures In Motion - Mapping Key Contacts And Their Imprints In World History (2001) 예일대출판부 - 57page

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