지역별 자료/북아메리카

미국 지역별 농업 지도

bus333 2016. 10. 25. 13:23


Major agricultural and Manufacturing activities of north america Varied environmental settings, 

settlement histories, and economic conditions have produced the modern map of North American economic activities. 

A larger number of major metropolitan areas are playing increasingly visible roles in the global economy.


Globalization and Diversity - Geography of a Changing World(4th) (2014) - 94page







The world economy - geography, business, development by Stutz, Frederick P. (6th) (2014) Pearson - 196page






Essentials of World Regional Geography by George W. White (2nd) (2010) McGrawHill - 339page







Human Geography Landscapes of Human Activities (13th) (2020) McGrawHill - 266page






<이건 우리 교과서에 있는 미국 농업 지도>





The world economy - geography, business, development by Stutz, Frederick P. (6th) (2014) Pearson - 203page