주제별 자료/기타지형

World Structural regions and major moutain systems (순상지-고기조산대-신기조산대-지구대 등)

bus333 2016. 10. 14. 16:28



World structural regions and major mountain systems


Some of the regions appear larger than the structures themselves
because each region includes related landforms adjacent to 
the central feature.
(Correlate aspects of this map with Figures 12.3 and 12.4.) 


Structural regions in the Western Hemisphere arevisible on the composite false-color Landsat image inset
(vegetation is portrayed in red). 


Elemental Geosystmes - Christopherson (8th) - 349page



순상지에 대한 설명은 '여기' 클릭








Regional Geology and Tectonics - Principles of Geologic Analysis by David G. Roberts and A.W. Bally (2012) Elsevier Science - 96page







Regional Geology and Tectonics - Principles of Geologic Analysis by David G. Roberts and A.W. Bally (2012) Elsevier Science - 97page