주제별 자료/기타지형

전세계 순상지 분포 지도 (Continental shield)

bus333 2016. 10. 14. 16:14




Continental shields.

(a) Portions of major continental shields exposed by erosion.
Adjacent portions of these shields remain covered by younger sedimentary layers. 


(b) Canadian shield landscape in northern Québec, stable for hundreds of millions of years,
stripped by past glaciations and marked by intrusive igneous dikes (magmatic intrusions).
Can you see evidence in the photo of directional flow of the continental glaciers?


Elemental Geosystmes - Christopherson (8th) - 336page



순상지에 대한 설명은 '여기' 클릭





Essentials of Geology by Stephen Marshak (4th) (2012) - 206page