Essentials of Geology by Stephen Marshak (4th) (2012) W . W . NORTON & COMPANY - 370page
Steam rising from the Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station in Iceland. (From : wikipedia)
Geothermal power station in the Philippines (From : Wikipedia)
Krafla Geothermal Station in northeast Iceland (From : Wikipedia)
Enhanced geothermal system (From : Wikipedia)
2:Pump house
3:Heat exchanger
4:Turbine hall
5:Production well
6:Injection well
7:Hot water to district heating
8:Porous sediments
9:Observation well
10:Crystalline bedrock
세계 최대의 지열 발전소는 미국에 있습니다. Santa Rossa
The Geysers near the city of Santa Rosa in northern California
is the world's largest electricity-generating geothermal development.
Most of the wells are about 3,000 meters deep and produce nearly pure steam.
Pipes carry steam to turbine generators and associated condensers.
Vapor plumes from condensers are visible here.
Generators range from about 10 to 100 megawatt ratings;
many are about 50 megawatts. Several steam wells feed into a single generator.
After geothermal development, the land is available for other purposes, such as grazing.
(From :
Sierra Nevada를 기준으로 볼때 Battle Mountain area는 지하로 내려갈 수록 온도가 훨씬 더 올라갑니다.
출처 :
그림을 잘보면
여름엔 뜨거운 물은 지하로, 지하를 통해 다시 집으로 올라오는 물은 시원해지고
겨울엔 차가운 물을 지하로, 지하를 통해 다시 집으로 올라오는 물은 따뜻해지고,
이런 방법도 있습니다. (From :
Country | Capacity (MW) 2007 |
Capacity (MW) 2010 |
Percentage of national production |
USA | 2687 | 3086 | 0.3% |
Philippines | 1969.7 | 1904 | 27% |
Indonesia | 992 | 1197 | 3.7% |
Mexico | 953 | 958 | 3% |
Italy | 810.5 | 843 | |
New Zealand | 471.6 | 628 | 10% |
Iceland | 421.2 | 575 | 30% |
Japan | 535.2 | 536 | 0.1% |
El Salvador | 204.2 | 204 | 14% |
Kenya | 128.8 | 167 | 11.2% |
Costa Rica | 162.5 | 166 | 14% |
Nicaragua | 87.4 | 88 | 10% |
Russia | 79 | 82 | |
Turkey | 38 | 82 | |
Papua-New Guinea | 56 | 56 | |
Guatemala | 53 | 52 | |
Portugal | 23 | 29 | |
China | 27.8 | 24 | |
France | 14.7 | 16 | |
Ethiopia | 7.3 | 7.3 | |
Germany | 8.4 | 6.6 | |
Austria | 1.1 | 1.4 | |
Australia | 0.2 | 1.1 | |
Thailand | 0.3 | 0.3 | |
TOTAL | 9,731.9 | 10,709.7 |
(From : wikipedia)
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