주제별 자료/도시

세계 주요 도시의 면적, 인구규모, 행정운영방식, 글로벌지수

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Table 1.1: Government systems and city designations in the 12 world cities

Note: Under Hong Kong’s ‘one country two systems model’, the city has a high degree of legal and fiscal autonomy akin to a city-state, but within a Chinese national framework that controls security, defence, and foreign relations, and exercises influence more broadly.

Table 1.2: Size and scale of world cities and world city regions

Sources: Census and Statistics Department,
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 2015;
Greater London Authority Datastore, 2015; INSEE, 2016a, 2016b;
Russian Federation Federal Statistics Service, 2014;
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, 2015;
IBGE, 2015; National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2015;
Department of Statistics Singapore, 2015;
Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2015;
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 2014;
Ontario Ministry of Finance, 2014;
Statistics Bureau of Guangdong Province, 2015;
Office for National Statistics (UK), 2014;
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2014;
United States Census Bureau, 2014;
EMPLASA, 2016;
Statistics Korea, 2016;
Geographical Information Authority of Japan, 2014;
 OECD Stat., 2016.

Figure 1.2: Comparative size of world cities and their metropolitan regions.

*싱가포르는 도시 국가
 '메트로폴리탄 구역' = '싱가포르' 그 자체 이므로, 지도가 필요 없습니다.

NB: Population and area data for metro regions from OECD where available, otherwise based on independent sources.
Wider city-regional data used for Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Figure 1.3: Comparative density of 12 world city government units and their metropolitan regions.

Table 1.3: Size of world cities’ metropolitan areas compared to their nation state

대한민국 인구의 50%가, GDP의 46%가 수도권에 집중되어 있다니
종주도시의 대표주자 Paris (당연히 Ill-de-France의미로써의 Paris)도 이 정도는 아닙니다.
도시 국가인 싱가포르를 제외한다면, 서울과 경기도의 집중도는 타의 추종을 불허하는 전세계 No.1일 것입니다.

Table 2.2: World cities’ share of national economic output in financial services and manufacturing

Source: Istrate and Nadeau (2012).

Figure 2.1: Typology of world cities and nation state traditions of engaging with globalisation.

출처 : World Cities And Nation States (2017년) WILEY Blackwell - 11page

#홍콩 #런던 #모스크바 #뭄바이 #뉴욕 #파리 #상파울로 #상하이 #싱가포르 #서울 #도쿄 #토론토 #세계도시 #월드시티 #사센