1. Santa Ana winds are regional winds that blow from the northeast, typically developing during spring and fall,
when high pressure forms over the deserts of eastern California and Nevada.
Circulation of air associated with the area of high pressure pushes winds south and westward, toward the coast,
in marked contrast to the normal onshore flow.
This air is coming from the Mojave Desert and other desert areas to the north and east, so is very dry.
The winds bring this dry air southwestward across the very dry Mojave Desert and toward the coast.
2. Santa Ana winds from the Mojave Desert are partially blocked by the mountains on the northern and eastern sides of Los Angeles.
The winds spill through mountain passes, such as Cajon Pass northeast of Los Angeles,
and are funneled down the canyons and into the Los Angeles basin.
The funneling effect causes winds to be especially strong within the canyons.
As the air moves from higher deserts to the northeast and down toward Los Angeles, the air compresses and heats up.
As a result, during an episode of Santa Ana winds, the coastal areas of Southern California
experience much hotter and drier weather conditions than are normal.
Due to this behavior of air flowing from high to low areas,
Santa Ana winds are considered to be a type of katabatic wind.
왼쪽 그림에 대한 설명입니다.
The hills and mountains of coastal Southern California receive enough precipitation to be covered with thick brush ( ▲ ),
such as oak, or by forests at higher elevations.
During a Santa Ana wind, the fast winds dry out the brush, trees, and other vegetation,
making it extremely prone to wildfires.
"Exploring Physical Geography by Cynthia C. Shaw (The McGraw-Hill) (2015)" - 85page
샌디에고~LA사이의 Southern California의 푸릇 푸릇한 산맥사진입니다.
바다에서 불어오는 바람덕에 충분한 강수량을 갖지만
Santa Ana wind가 불어올때는 잘 자란 나무가 장작이 되는 신세가 된다니...
지옥과 천당이 공존한다는 느낌입니다.
The Environment and You by Norman Christensen (2012) Pearson - 592page
이런 대형 화재가 나면 당연히 재산 및 인명에 피해가 나타납니다.
그리고, 생각지 못한 피해가 나타나기도 하는데요,
그 피해 현상은 지중해성 기후의 특징상 여름 건기가 지나서
겨울철 우기때 나타납니다.
캘리포니아 해안가 주변 산악에는 식생이 파괴되어
예상치 못한 강수량 증가는
산사태를 불러옵니다.
출처 : The Daily Telegraph - 2018.01.11 (겨울이 우기입니다)
Buried alive
A 14-year-old girl is rescured after an affluent area of California was hit by a mud slide~~
-------추 가---------
Physical Geography by James Petersen, Robert E. Gabler (11th) (2017) - 132page
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