Physical Geography - The Basics by Joseph Holden (2nd) (2021) Routledge
올해 새로 발간된 자연지리 기초교재이다.
저자 Joseph Holden은 수 많은 지리교재의 표지에서 만나본 이름으로 오랜 친구를 만난 것처럼 반갑기 짝이 없다.
내용은 자연자리 기초 서적인지라 기본적 내용으로 구성되어 있다. 헌데 교재의 목차는 무척이나 새롭다. 그 동안 강조되던 지형적 파트는 저 멀리 한 걸음 물러서 있는 것처럼 보이고 기후변화와 관련된 단원, 즉 '탄소의 순환', '물', '해안', '빙하' 파트 그리고 '생태 챕터'가 강조되고 있다. 변화가 없을 것 같던 자연지리 파트도 기후 변화와 맞물려 슬슬 변화하는 조짐이 보인다.
1 Introduction 1
Scope of the book 1
The interconnected Earth 3
Environmental challenges 6
2 Tectonics, weathering, erosion and soils 13
Tectonics: continents and oceans 14
Weathering and erosion 22
- Types of rock 22
- Weathering 23
- Erosion 27
Soils 31
- Soil composition and formation 31
- Physical properties of soils 36
- Chemical properties of soils 37
- Humans and soil 39
3 Atmosphere, oceans, climate and weather 45
The atmospheric blanket 45
Large-scale atmospheric circulation 47
Large-scale oceanic circulation 53
Interannual climate variability 59
Regional climate and weather 61
- Polar climate and weather 61
- Mid-latitude climate and weather 62
- Tropical and subtropical climate and weather 65
- Mountain climate and weather 67
- Land and sea breezes 70
- Vegetation and climate 71
- Urban climate 71
4 Climate change and the carbon cycle 76
The carbon cycle 76
Climate change 81
- Long-term climate change 81
Contemporary climate change 87
- Predictions of future climate change 92
Impacts of climate change 93
Climate change mitigation 96
Climate change adaptation 102
5 Water and ice 106
Water 106
- The water cycle 106
- Water movement through the landscape 107
- Groundwater 111
- River flow 114
- River channel change 121
- Water quality and pollution 127
Coasts 132
- Waves 133
- Tides 136
- Coastal landforms 137
- Coastal management 143
Ice 145
- Glacier and ice sheet dynamics 146
- Glacial landforms 150
- Permafrost 154
- Landforms in periglacial regions 156
6 Biogeography 164
The biosphere 164
- Key biosphere variables 164
The ecosystem 168
- Phosphorus and nitrogen cycles 170
- Succession 173
- Biotic interactions 174
- Island biogeography 174
The biomes 175
- Cold biomes 175
- Temperate biomes 178
- Tropical biomes 180
- Mountain biomes 182
- Aquatic biomes 182
Human impacts 184
- Biodiversity 185
- Invasive species 187
- Agriculture 188
- Urban ecosystems 190
- Climate change 191
- Conservation 191
7 Solutions in physical geography 196
Managing environmental hazards 196
Dealing with environmental change 198
Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals 201
Making new discoveries 202
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