기타 위성자료/NASA자료

프랑스 음영 기복도 (파리분지-케스타 위성사진)

bus333 2011. 3. 11. 11:28

아래 주황색 글씨가 케스타에 대한 설명인듯 합니다.

The upper central part of this scene is dominated by the Paris Basin
which consists of a layered sequence of sedimentary rocks.

Fertile soils over much of the area make good agricultural land.

The Normandie coast

to the upper left is characterized by high, chalk cliffs,
while the

Brittany coast

(the peninsula to the left) is highly indented
where deep valleys were drowned by the sea,
and the

Biscay coast

to the southwest is marked by flat, sandy beaches.


To the south,

the Pyrenees

form a natural border between France and Spain,
and the south-central part of the country is dominated by

the ancient Massif Central

Subject to volcanism that has only subsided in the last 10,000 years,
these central mountains are separated from the Alps by the north-south trending Rhone River Basin

From : NASA



From : NASA




프랑스 파리의 케스타를 찾아봅시다.









TIME에 실렸던 삽화.

화살표 방향으로 공격은 쉬워도, 역방향으로는 어려운 케스타.





아래부터는 영국의 케스타




2012년 9월호 National Geography에 나온 사진입니다.


이 사진을 보는 순간...


어랏 이거 케스타아냐?? 라는 생각이 번뜩 들어서 구글에 검색을 해봤더니 맞는것 같습니다.






Hadrian's wall, England 14feet 73miles


케스타는 수비에 아주 유리한 지형이 맞네요..








출처 : National Geographic






<Magazine 'Britain' 2016년 10-11월호 73page> 










<경층, 연층이 구분됩니다>




Geographical - 2024.09


위의 기사에서 중요한 부분을 발췌해보면...


geological feature. For much of its route, the wall spans the Great Whin Sill, a dolerite ridge formed around 300 million years ago when tectonic movement pushed up magma from deep inside the Earth. The magma cooled and solidified into dolerite crags that rise like a cresting wave. Steep and remote, they provided an ideal defensive site.