주제별 자료/유수에 의한 지형

The endorheic basins and related lakes of the world

bus333 2018. 6. 12. 07:52

The endorheic basins and related lakes of the world. Dark grey indicates the basins, black are large endorheic lakes. 

(Source: Smith http://i.imgur.com/Z19wE.png).

논문 제목 :

Essentials of Endorheic Basins and Lakes: A Review in the Context of Current and Future Water Resource Management and Mitigation Activities in Central Asia

Water 2017, 9(10), 798; https://doi.org/10.3390/w9100798


출처 : MOPI

출처 : Desert Meteorology by Thomas. T. Warner (2004) Cambridge Univ - 76page

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