주제별 자료/기후-쾨펜

World map of Koppen-Geiger climate classfication

bus333 2011. 2. 6. 12:52


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Station Information.19.2.2007.xls

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Koppen Climate Classification Chart

A Tropical humid Af Tropical wet No dry season
Am Tropical monsoonal Short dry season; heavy monsoonal rains in other months
Aw Tropical savanna Winter dry season
B Dry BWh Subtropical desert Low-latitude desert
BSh Subtropical steppe Low-latitude dry
BWk Mid-latitude desert Mid-latitude desert
BSk Mid-latitude steppe Mid-latitude dry
C Mild Mid-Latitude Csa Mediterranean Mild with dry, hot summer
Csb Mediterranean Mild with dry, warm summer
Cfa Humid subtropical Mild with no dry season, hot summer
Cwa Humid subtropical Mild with dry winter, hot summer
Cfb Marine west coast Mild with no dry season, warm summer
Cfc Marine west coast Mild with no dry season, cool summer
D Severe Mid-Latitude Dfa Humid continental Humid with severe winter, no dry season, hot summer
Dfb Humid continental Humid with severe winter, no dry season, warm summer
Dwa Humid continental Humid with severe, dry winter, hot summer
Dwb Humid continental Humid with severe, dry winter, warm summer
Dfc Subarctic Severe winter, no dry season, cool summer
Dfd Subarctic Severe, very cold winter, no dry season, cool summer
Dwc Subarctic Severe, dry winter, cool summer
Dwd Subarctic Severe, very cold and dry winter, cool summer
E Polar ET Tundra Polar tundra, no true summer
EF Ice Cap Perennial ice
H Highland

 From : http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa011700b.htm