주제별 자료/카르스트지형

폴리예 (Polje)

bus333 2017. 10. 5. 12:36


Large closed depressions with flat floors across which streams flow are called poljes

These features can be compact or irregular, and may be oriented along a tectonic axis. 

A sharp break exists between the floor and steep walls. 

The streamsinks in the poljes are called ponors

residual hills of limestone protruding from the floor are called hums.




Jennings, J. N.


The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1971.







Geomorphology by Mateo Gutiérrez (2013) CRC - 201page



Geomorphology by Mateo Gutiérrez (2013) CRC - 201page



Geomorphology by Mateo Gutiérrez (2013) CRC - 200page



Geomorphology by Mateo Gutiérrez (2013) CRC - 201page