주제별 자료/해안지형

골프와 사구(dune) - 로렉스 시계광고에서

bus333 2017. 7. 4. 09:23


뭐 눈엔 뭐만 보인다더니

The Economist 2017년 7월 1일자에 실린 로렉스 시계광고입니다.


내 눈엔 시계보다 

사구가 먼저 들어옵니다.





사진에서 보이는 것처럼,

이 곳은 중요한 사구였군요.


Royal Birkdale Golf Course is just one part of the Southport Sand Dunes and Foreshore Site of Special Scientific Interest 



Three generations of the Hawtree family of golf course architects have worked on the course.[3] Frederick G. Hawtree and champion golfer J.H. Taylor are the two people most responsible for the current routing, following the valleys between the very large dunes which dominate the property.









로얄 더녹 7번홀 티샷 지점에서 찍은 사진

AQA GCSE (9-1) Geography by John Widdowson, Simon Oakes, Michael Witherick, Meryl King, Rebecca Blackshaw, Sarah Wheeler (2nd) (2020) Hodder Education - 139page