
인문지리의 올스타전 Key Texts in Human Geography

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2008년도에 SAGE에서 출간된 "Key Texts in Human Geography"라는 책입니다.

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원 저자도 저자지만, 감상문 쓰신 교수님들까지도 All Star급입니다.

이거 번역해주실 교수님 어디 안계신가요?

1 Innovation Diffusion as Spatial Process (1953): Törsten Hägerstrand (Bo Lenntrop)

2 Theoretical Geography (1962): William Bunge (Michael F. Goodchild)

3 Locational Analysis in Human Geography (1965): Peter Haggett (Martin Charlton)

4 Explanation in Geography (1969): David Harvey (Ron Johnston)

5 Conflict, Power and Politics in the City (1973): Kevin Cox (Andy Wood)

6 Place and Placelessness (1976): Edward Relph (David Seamon and Jacob Sowers)

7 Space and Place (1977): Yi-Fu Tuan (Tim Cresswell)

8 The Limits to Capital (1982): David Harvey (Noel Castree)

9 Uneven Development (1984): Neil Smith (Martin Phillips)

10 Spatial Divisions of Labour (1984): Doreen Massey (Nick Phelps)

11 Geography and Gender (1984): Women and Geography Study Group (Susan Hanson)

12 Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape (1984): Denis Cosgrove (David Gilbert)

13 Capitalist World Development (1986): Stuart Corbridge (Satish Kumar)

14 Global Shift (1986): Peter Dicken (Jonathan Beaverstock)

15 The Condition of Postmodernity (1989): David Harvey 125 (Keith Woodward and John Paul Jones III)

16 Postmodern Geographies (1989): Edward Soja (Claudio Minca)

17 The Capitalist Imperative (1989): Michael Storper and Richard Walker (Neil Coe)

18 The Geographical Tradition (1992): David Livingstone (Nick Spedding)

19 Feminism and Geography (1993): Gillian Rose (Robyn Longhurst)

20 Geographical Imaginations (1994): Derek Gregory (John Pickles)

21 Geographies of Exclusion (1995): David Sibley (Phil Hubbard)

22 Critical Geopolitics (1996): Gearóid Ó’Tuathail (Jo Sharp)

23 Logics of Dislocation (1996): Trevor J. Barnes (Philip Kelly)

24 Hybrid Geographies (2002): Sarah Whatmore (Sarah Dyer)

25 Cities (2002): Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift (Alan Latham)

26 For Space (2005): Doreen Massey (Ben Anderson)

괄호안에 나오는 분들에 대한 소개입니다.

Ben Anderson is Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Durham, UK

Jonathan Beaverstock is Professor of Economic Geography, Nottingham University, UK

Noel Castree is Professor of Human Geography, University of Manchester, UK

Martin Charlton is Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Neil Coe is Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Manchester, UK

Tim Cresswell is Professor of Human Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Sarah Dyer is Lecturer in Human Geography, Oxford University, UK

David Gilbert is Professor of Urban and Historical Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Michael F. Goodchild is Professor of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, US

Susan Hanson is Professor of Geography, Clark University, US

Phil Hubbard is Professor of Urban Social Geography, Loughborough University, UK

Ron Johnston is Professor of Human Geography, Bristol University, UK

John Paul Jones III is Professor of Geography, University of Arizona, US

Philip Kelly is Associate Professor of Geography, York University, Canada

Satish Kumar is Lecturer in Human Geography, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Alan Latham is Lecturer in Geography, University College London, UK

Bo Lenntrop is Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden

Robyn Longhurst is Professor of Geography, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Claudio Minca is Professor of Human Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Nick Phelps is Reader, Bartlett School, University College London, UK

Martin Phillips is Reader in Social and Cultural Geography, University of Leicester, UK

John Pickles is Earl N. Phillips Distinguished Professor of International Studies, University of North Carolina, US

David Seamon is Professor of Architecture, Kansas State University, US

Jo Sharp is Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Glasgow, UK

Jacob Sowers is a doctoral student in the Geography programme, Kansas State University, US

Nick Spedding is Lecturer of Geography, University of Aberdeen, UK

Andy Wood is Associate Professor of Human Geography, University of Kentucky, US

Keith Woodward is Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Exeter, UK