River-Valley Civilizations 3500–1500 b.c.e.
The earliest complex societies arose in the floodplains of large rivers:
in the fourth millennium b.c.e. in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia
and the Nile River in Egypt,
in the third millennium b.c.e. in the valley of the Indus River in Pakistan,
and in the second millennium b.c.e. in the valley of the Yellow River in China.
출처 : The Earth and Its Peoples. A Global History (5th) (2011) - 28page
In order to organize labor resources to create and maintain an irrigation network in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley,
a land of little rain, the Sumerians of southern Mesopotamia developed new technologies,
complex political and social institutions, and distinctive cultural practices.
출처 : The Earth and Its Peoples. A Global History (5th) (2011) - 27page
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