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다음은 인터넷 교보문고에서 이 책에 대해 설명하는 글입니다.
The second revised edition of the Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, provides both students and professionals with an up-to-date reference work on this important and highly varied area of research. There are lots of new articles, and many of the articles that appeared in the first edition have been updated to reflect advances in knowledge since 2006, when the original articles were written. The second edition will contain about 375 articles, written by leading experts around the world. This major reference work is richly illustrated with more than 3,000 illustrations, most of them in colour.Research in the Quaternary sciences has advanced greatly in the last 10 years, especially since topics like global climate change, geologic hazards and soil erosion were put high on the political agenda. This second edition builds upon its award-winning predecessor to provide the reader assured quality along with essential updated coverage.Contains 357 broad-ranging articles (4310 pages) written at a level that allows undergraduate students to understand the material, while providing active researchers with a ready reference resource for information in the field. Facilitates teaching and learning.The first edition was regarded by many as the most significant single overview of Quaternary science ever, yet Editor-in-Chief, Scott Elias, has managed to surpass that in this second edition by securing even more expert reviews whilst retaining his renowned editorial consistency that enables readers to navigates seamlessly from one unfamiliar topic to the next.
이 책은 위에서 말하는 것처럼 각각의 각 방면의 세계의 석학이 쓴 375개의 article로 이뤄졌습니다.
게다가 지리샘들이 탐내는 일러스트레이트가 3000개가 넘습니다.
필요한 제가 필요로 하는 그림은 가끔씩 몰래 몰래 여기 올려 놓도록 하겠습니다. ㅎㅎ
(시간이 조금 지나면 비공개 처리 되겠지만 말입니다)
글의 목차는 아래에서 참조
01. Introduction and History of Science
02. Paleoclimatology
03. Dating Techniques
04. Quaternary Stratigraphy
05. Quaternary Glaciation
06. Tree-ring section
07. Fluvial Environments
08. History of Quaternary Glaciations
09. Sea Level Studies
10. Paleosols and Wind-Blown Sediments
11. Lake Level Studies
12. Paleobotany
13. Paleolimnology
14. Vertebrate Studies
15. Insect Fossil Studies
16. Paleoceanography
17. Ice Core Studies
18. Stable Isotope Research ? Carbonates
19. Humans in the Quaternary
20. Use of Quaternary proxies in forensic science
좀 더 세부한 목차입니다.
제목만 해도 너무 많아서, 세부 목차를 쓴 챕터도 있고 안 쓴 챕터도 있습니다.
지리 관련 챕터는 좀 더 자세히 썼습니다.
01. Introduction and History of Science
- History of Quaternary Science, Pages 1-8
- History of Dating Methods, Pages 9-16
- Societal Relevance of Quaternary Research, Pages 17-25
- Understanding Quaternary Climatic Change, Pages 26-35
02. Paleoclimatology
- Introduction, Pages 87-92
- PALEOCLIMATE RECONSTRUCTION | Approaches, Pages 179-184
- PALEOCLIMATE MODELING | Data?Model Comparisons, Pages 135-146
- Timescales of Climate Change, Pages 93-101
- Modern Analog Approaches in Paleoclimatology, Pages 102-112
- Paleoclimate History of the Arctic, Pages 113-125
- The Younger Dryas Climate Event, Pages 126-13403. Dating Techniques
03. Dating Techniques
- Radiometric Methods
- Geomagnetic Excursions and Secular Variations in the Magnetic Field
- Biological Methods
- Annual Layer Methods
- Chemical Methods
04. Quaternary Stratigraphy
- Tephrochronology, Pages 277-304
- Overview, Pages 189-205
- Lithostratigraphy, Pages 227-242
- Continental Biostratigraphy, Pages 206-214
- Pedostratigraphy, Pages 250-259
- Morphostratigraphy/Allostratigraphy, Pages 243-249
- Climatostratigraphy, Pages 222-226
- Sequence Stratigraphy, Pages 260-276
- Chronostratigraphy, Pages 215-221
05. Quaternary Glaciation
- Glacial Landforms
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Introduction, Pages 755-768
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, ICE SHEETS | Growth and Decay, Pages 877-883
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, ICE SHEETS | Evidence of Glacier and Ice Sheet Extent, Pages 884-894
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Evidence of Glacier Recession, Pages 803-812
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Glacitectonic Structures and Landforms, Pages 839-845
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Glaciogenic Lithofacies, Pages 18-29
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Moraine Forms and Genesis, Pages 769-779
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Glaciofluvial Landforms of Deposition, Pages 6-17
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Glaciofluvial Landforms of Erosion, Pages 825-838
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Glacial Erratics and Till Dispersal Indicators, Pages 81-84
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Glaciomarine Sediments and Ice-Rafted Debris, Pages 30-42
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Till Fabric Analysis, Pages 76-80
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Glacial Landsystems, Pages 813-824
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, EROSIONAL FEATURES | Micro- to Macroscale Forms, Pages 865-876
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, EROSIONAL FEATURES | Major Scale Forms, Pages 847-864
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, ICE SHEETS | Trimlines and Paleonunataks, Pages 918-929
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS | Quaternary Vulcanism: Subglacial Landforms, Pages 780-802
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Micromorphology of Glacial Sediments, Pages 52-61
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Clast Form Analysis, Pages 1-5
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, ICE SHEETS | Evidence of Glacier Flow Directions, Pages 895-908
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Glaciolacustrine, Pages 43-51
○ GLACIAL LANDFORMS, SEDIMENTS | Glacial Sequence Stratigraphy, Pages 85-90
- Permafrost and Periglacial Features
○ Permafrost, Pages 464-471
○ Active Layer Processes, Pages 421-429
○ Paraglacial Geomorphology, Pages 553-565
○ Slope Deposits and Forms, Pages 481-489
○ Frost Mounds: Active and Relict Forms, Pages 472-480
○ Patterned Ground, Pages 452-463
○ Talus Slopes, Pages 566-573
○ Thermokarst Topography, Pages 574-581
○ Ice Wedges and Ice-Wedge Casts, Pages 436-451
○ Cryoturbation Structures, Pages 430-435
○ Blockfields (Felsenmeer), Pages 523-534
○ Block/Rock Streams, Pages 514-522
○ Rock Weathering, Pages 500-506
○ Rock Glaciers and Protalus Forms, Pages 535-541
○ Periglacial Fluvial Sediments and Forms, Pages 490-499
○ Permafrost and Glacier Interactions, Pages 507-513
○ Yedoma: Late Pleistocene Ice-Rich Syngenetic Permafrost of Beringia, Pages 542-552
06. Tree-ring section
- GLACIAL LANDFORMS, TREE RINGS | Dendrogeomorphology, Pages 91-103
- GLACIAL LANDFORMS, TREE RINGS | Dendroglaciology, Pages 104-111
07. Fluvial Environments
- FLUVIAL ENVIRONMENTS | Sediments, Pages 663-675
- FLUVIAL ENVIRONMENTS | Terrace Sequences, Pages 684-692
- FLUVIAL ENVIRONMENTS | Responses to Rapid Environmental Change, Pages 676-683
- FLUVIAL ENVIRONMENTS | Deltaic Environments, Pages 693-703
- PALEOHYDROLOGY, Pages 253-258
08. History of Quaternary Glaciations
- Overview, Pages 143-150
- Transition from Late Neogene to Early Quaternary Environments, Pages 151-166
- Early Quaternary (Pleistocene) and Precursors, Pages 167-171
- Middle Pleistocene in Eurasia, Pages 172-179
- Mid-Quaternary in North America, Pages 180-186
- Middle Pleistocene Glaciations in the Southern Hemisphere, Pages 187-190
- Late Quaternary of Antarctica, Pages 216-223
- Late Quaternary in North America, Pages 245-249
- Late Quaternary in Highland Asia, Pages 236-244
- Late Quaternary of the Southwest Pacific Region, Pages 202-215
- Late Pleistocene in Eurasia, Pages 224-235
- Late Pleistocene in South America, Pages 250-256
- Late Pleistocene Glacial Events in Beringia, Pages 191-201
- Neoglaciation in Europe, Pages 257-268
- Neoglaciation in the American Cordilleras, Pages 269-276
09. Sea Level Studies
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Overview, Pages 369-376
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Geomorphological Indicators, Pages 377-384
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Coral Records of Relative Sea-Level Changes, Pages 409-418
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Use of Cave Data in Sea-Level Reconstructions, Pages 460-466
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Eustatic Sea-Level Changes ? Glacial?Interglacial Cycles, Pages 429-438
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Eustatic Sea-Level Changes Since the Last Glacial Maximum, Pages 439-451
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Isostasy: Glaciation-Induced Sea-Level Change, Pages 452-459
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Sedimentary Indicators of Relative Sea-Level Changes ? High Energy, Pages 385-395
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Sedimentary Indicators of Relative Sea-Level Changes ? Low Energy, Pages 396-408
- SEA LEVEL STUDIES | Microfossil-Based Reconstructions of Holocene Relative Sea-Level Change, Pages 419-428
- SEA-LEVELS, LATE QUATERNARY | Late Quaternary Relative Sea-Level Changes in High Latitudes, Pages 467-480
- SEA-LEVELS, LATE QUATERNARY | Late Quaternary Sea-Level Changes in Greenland, Pages 481-488
- SEA-LEVELS, LATE QUATERNARY | Late Quaternary Relative Sea-Level Changes at Mid-Latitudes, Pages 489-494
- SEA-LEVELS, LATE QUATERNARY | Late Quaternary Relative Sea-Level Changes in the Tropics, Pages 495-502
- SEA-LEVELS, LATE QUATERNARY | Tectonics and Relative Sea-Level Change, Pages 503-519
10. Paleosols and Wind-Blown Sediments
- Paleosol Research
○ PALEOSOLS AND WIND-BLOWN SEDIMENTS | Nature of Paleosols, Pages 367-374
○ PALEOSOLS AND WIND-BLOWN SEDIMENTS | Weathering Profiles, Pages 392-401
○ PALEOSOLS AND WIND-BLOWN SEDIMENTS | Soil Micromorphology, Pages 381-391
○ PALEOSOLS AND WIND-BLOWN SEDIMENTS | Soil Morphology in Quaternary Studies, Pages 402-411
○ PALEOSOLS AND WIND-BLOWN SEDIMENTS | Mineral Magnetic Analysis, Pages 375-380
○ PALEOSOLS AND WIND-BLOWN SEDIMENTS | Biogeochemical Role of Dust in Quaternary Climate Cycles, Pages 412-420
- Dune Studies
○ DUNE FIELDS | High Latitudes, Pages 597-605
○ DUNE FIELDS | Mid-Latitudes, Pages 606-622
○ DUNE FIELDS | Low Latitudes, Pages 623-636
- Loess Studies
○ LOESS RECORDS | Central Asia, Pages 585-594
○ LOESS RECORDS | China, Pages 595-605
○ LOESS RECORDS | Europe, Pages 606-619
○ LOESS RECORDS | North America, Pages 620-628
○ LOESS RECORDS | South America, Pages 629-641
11. Lake Level Studies
- Overview, Pages 483-498
- Modeling, Pages 558-564
- Africa during the Late Quaternary, Pages 499-505
- Asia, Pages 506-523
- Australia, Pages 524-530
- Latin America, Pages 531-536
- North America, Pages 537-548
- West-Central Europe, Pages 549-557
12. Paleobotany
- Overview
- Pollen Studies
- Charred Particle Analysis
- Quaternary Pollen Records
- Phytoliths
- Ancient Plant DNA
- Plant Macrofossil Studies
- Plant Macrofossil Records
- Diatom Studies
13. Paleolimnology
- Overview of Paleolimnology, Pages 259-270
- Lake Chemistry, Pages 292-299
- Physical Properties of Lake Sediments, Pages 300-312
- Cladocera, Pages 271-280
- Freshwater Mollusks, Pages 281-291
- Contributions of Paleolimnological Research to Biogeography, Pages 313-325
- Pigment Studies, Pages 326-338
- Visible and Infrared Spectroscopical Applications, Pages 349-355
- Multiproxy Approaches, Pages 339-348
14. Vertebrate Studies
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Early Pleistocene, Pages 599-604
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Early and Middle Pleistocene of Northern Eurasia, Pages 605-614
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Mid-Pleistocene of Southern Asia, Pages 651-663
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Mid-Pleistocene of Africa, Pages 615-620
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Mid-Pleistocene of Australia, Pages 621-638
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Mid-Pleistocene of Europe, Pages 639-645
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Mid-Pleistocene of North America, Pages 646-650
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Late Pleistocene of Africa, Pages 664-672
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Late Pleistocene of North America, Pages 673-679
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Late Pleistocene of South America, Pages 680-692
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia, Pages 693-699
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Late Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions, Pages 700-712
- VERTEBRATE RECORDS | Late Pleistocene Mummified Mammals, Pages 713-717
- VERTEBRATE STUDIES | Ancient DNA, Pages 719-722
- VERTEBRATE STUDIES | Speciation and Evolutionary Trends in Quaternary Vertebrates, Pages 723-732
- VERTEBRATE STUDIES | Dwarfing and Gigantism in Quaternary Vertebrates, Pages 733-747
- VERTEBRATE STUDIES | Interactions with Hominids, Pages 748-756
15. Insect Fossil Studies
- Beetle Studies
- Chironomid Studies
- Oribatid Mite Studies
16. Paleoceanography
- Paleoceanographic Studies
- Paleoceanographic Records
17. Ice Core Studies
- Ice Core Studies
- Ice Core Records
18. Stable Isotope Research ? Carbonates
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Overview, Pages 291-293
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Speleothems, Pages 294-303
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Terrestrial Teeth and Bones, Pages 304-314
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Terrestrial Organic Materials, Pages 315-321
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Non-Lacustrine Terrestrial Studies, Pages 322-332
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Lake Sediments, Pages 333-340
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Nonmarine Biogenic Carbonates, Pages 341-353
19. Humans in the Quaternary
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Overview, Pages 49-58
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | 2.7 Myr?300 000 Years Ago in Africa, Pages 59-66
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | 2.7 Myr?300 000 Years Ago in Asia, Pages 67-82
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | 1.9 Myr?300 000 Years Ago in Europe, Pages 83-90
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Global Expansion 300 000?8000 Years Ago, Africa, Pages 91-97
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Global Expansion 300 000?8000 Years Ago, Asia, Pages 98-107
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Global Expansion 300 000?8000 Years Ago, Australia, Pages 108-118
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Global Expansion 300 000?8000 Years Ago, Americas, Pages 119-134
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Neanderthal Demise, Pages 146-153
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Human Evolution in the Quaternary, Pages 135-145
- ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS | Postglacial Adaptations, Pages 154-159
20. Use of Quaternary proxies in forensic science
- USE OF QUATERNARY PROXIES IN FORENSIC SCIENCE | Use of Geology in Forensic Science: Search to Locate Burials, Pages 521-534
- USE OF QUATERNARY PROXIES IN FORENSIC SCIENCE | Analytical Techniques in Forensic Palynology, Pages 556-566
- USE OF QUATERNARY PROXIES IN FORENSIC SCIENCE | The Use of Macroscopic Plant Remains in Forensic Science, Pages 542-547
- DIATOMS, Pages 522-525
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