freshwater scarcity stress (대한민국은 정말 물 부족국가?)
The world’s major river basins differ in their degree of freshwater scarcity stress (Concept 11.1B).
출처 : Environmental Science by G. Tyler Miller, Scott Spoolman (15th) (2016) National Geographic - 254page
Compiled by the authors using data from World Commission on Water Use for the 21st Century,
UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and World Water Council.
우리나라를 '물 부족국가'라고 부르는 것보다
freshwater scarcity stress가 높은 나라라고 부르는 것이 정확한 표현이 되겠네요.
We are using available freshwater unsustainably by extracting it faster than nature can replace it,
and by wasting, polluting, and underpricing this irreplaceable natural resource.
Freshwater supplies are not evenly distributed,
and one of every nine people on the planet does not have adequate access to clean water.
Global Water Stress
This map shows those parts of the world forecast by the UN to have serious water shortages by 2025.
In many of the areas—namely, in northern Africa and Southwest Asia—water stress is already evident.
Global warming will aggravate the water situation as temperatures increase.
Africa, in particular, will suffer greatly; projections are that fully 75 percent of its population will face water shortages by 2025.
출처 : Globalization and Diversity - Geography of a Changing World(4th) - Pearson(2014) - 56page
2050 년에 가장 큰 물 부족을 경험할 수있는 20 개 도시
출처 : Le Monde - 2018.02.18
Les vingt villes qui risquent de connaître les plus gros déficits en eau en 2050
(2050 년에 가장 큰 물 부족을 경험할 수있는 20 개 도시)
- 농수와 공업용수를 우선시 한다는 시나리오를 가정했을 때