주제별 자료/기후-바람

토네이도의 이동방향

bus333 2011. 4. 30. 12:52

NASA에서 소개하는 오늘의 사진으로 이틀 연속 미국의 토네이도가 선정되었네요.
이번 토네이도로 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 알라바마의 Tuscaloosa이란 동네랍니다.

아래 첫번째 사진은 평상시의 모습이고
두번째 사진은 토네이도가 지나간 다음의 사진입니다.

잘 보세요. 뭐가 다를까요?








잘 모르시겠다면
아래 KMZ화일을 클릭하세요. Google Earth가 로딩될 것입니다.






아래 첫번째 그림은, 여러분이 클릭했을 때 보이는 화면일 것입니다.
잘 모르시겠다면 두번째 그림을 봐주세요.







Track이 보이시나요?
네, 바로 저것이 토네이도가 휩쓸고 간 다음 생긴 줄무늬 입니다.
다시 말해 토네이도가 지나간 흔적입니다. 토네이도의 진행방향이죠.
아무래도, 저 방향은 제트기류의 움직임과 일치하는 것이겠지요?














Deadly tornadoes raked across Alabama on April 27, 2011, killing as many as 210 people as of April 29. The hardest-hit community was Tuscaloosa. The top image, acquired on April 28 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite, shows three tornado tracks through and around the city. The lower image, from April 12, shows the area before the storm.

The tracks are pale brown trails where green trees and plants have been uprooted, leaving disturbed ground. Though faint, the center track runs from southwest of Tuscaloosa, through the gray city, and extends northeast towards Birmingham. Two other tracks run parallel to the center track. The northernmost track lies in an area where the National Weather Service reported a tornado, but no tornado was reported in the vicinity of the more visible southern track. In the southern region, strong winds were reported.

The tornadoes were part of a larger weather pattern that produced more than 150 tornadoes across six states, according to the National Weather Service. The death toll reached 300 on April 29, making the outbreak the deadliest in the United States since 1974

<From : NASA>

5월 5일 어린이날 추가된 사항이네요






Google Earth로 확인해보시라구요^^

적외선 카메라로 보면 더욱 확실하죠.



On April 27, 2011, a devastating tornado tore through Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The storm packed winds of 190 miles (310 kilometers per hour) and left a path of debris running southwest to northeast. On May 2, 2011, the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured this natural-color image of the tornado track through Tuscaloosa.

The tan-toned, debris-filled path passes through the center of town, affecting both commercial and residential properties. The track passes south of Bryant Denny Stadium and just north of University Mall. The mayor of Tuscaloosa estimated the cost of clearing the debris to be between $70 and $100 million.

Running roughly parallel to the tornado track is a contrail from a plane.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that the tornado was spawned by a supercell thunderstorm that lasted more than seven hours. The supercell started in Newton County, Mississippi, at 2:54 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT), and finally ended in Macon County, North Carolina, at 10:18 p.m. CDT. The trail of damage stretched 80.3 miles (129.2 kilometers) long and as much as 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) wide.
Between 7:00 a.m. CDT on April 25 and 7:00 a.m. on April 28, a total of 362 tornadoes struck the southeastern and central United States, according to NOAA. The tornado that passed through Tuscaloosa caused more than 1,000 injuries and at least 65 deaths across several town and cities, the highest number of fatalities from a single tornado in the United States since May 25, 1955.

<2015.04.14에 NASA에서 추가한 내용입니다>





1950년~2014년까지의 토네이도 방향입니다.

대부분 북동쪽으로 이동하고 있음을 알 수 있습니다.







The Wall Street Journal - 2021.12.14





그 이유는 아무래도 여기에 있는 것 같습니다.