제25회 지리주간(Geography Awareness Week)
1987년부터 이런 행사가 있었다고 하니 올해로 25회를 맞게 되는군요.
11월의 세번째주가 Geography Awareness Week 입니다.
올해의 지리주간은 November 13–19, 2011, since 1987 입니다.
올해 지리주간의 포스터입니다.
PDF버전의 포스터는 아래를 클릭하세요
Geography Awareness Week
Geography Awareness Week (GAWeek) is an annual public awareness program that encourages citizens young and old to think and learn about the interconnectedness of our world.
Celebrate GAWeek this year by discovering the adventure in your own community! Challenge friends, classmates, and family members to complete missions and earn badges in photography, storytelling, mapping, and taking action. Download and print this year's poster for your classroom or bedroom wall to inspire you and then get started!
GAWeek was established by Presidential proclamation in the United States in 1987 and is organized by National Geographic Education Programs (NGEP). Each year more than 100,000 people actively participate in GAWeek through activities, events, lessons, games, and challenges. Download a print version of the missions in the form of a fun activity booklet.
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